Well, it would probably take a couple to my goal weight, but who is counting?
I have some kind of cold or some crud. Can't wait to head to the doctor for perhaps an all powerful super shot!
So, this weekend. Where do I begin? I took down all the Christmas decor, cleaned the kitchen, 2 of the bathrooms, swept and mopped all of the hardwood and tile floors, vacuumed all the rugs and did the dishes before 9:00am on Saturday. Afterwards, my mom came and picked me up to go shopping! She is my favorite shopping buddy :)
Loft had some AMAZING deals this weekend! I may have accidently bought 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. Oopsy! I purchased a pair of red pants. I am not sure how I feel about them yet. I would post the embarrassing selfie to ask your opinion on them, but it is not the greatest picture ever so I will save everyone from that!
Yesterday I woke up not feeling 100%, but that didn't stop me from giving the dogs a bath, dusting, and going grocery shopping. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon prepping lunches for this week and making turkey taco chili soup. By yesterday evening, the crud really started to hit me. My husband and I were watching TV and I said in my most whiney voice ever, "I want ice cream." I just knew the cold stuff would cheer me up and make my throat feel better. He was so sweet and offered to go get some for me! Best husband ever! Sadly, the cheerfulness of it only lasted until the bowl was finished then I went back to laying around.
Tonight is the National Championship game, and I am PISSED that I can't taste anything. Nothing better than a snackity snack during a game, guess I will just snack on celery or something else healthy with little calories since it wont matter! Roll Tide!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I hope I am the only one fighting the crud today! Happy Monday Bitches!
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