Doing a holiday link up today because I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!! It is no secret, usually I am one of those freaks that turns on Christmas music in October and thinks it is totally ok. I love Christmas shopping, Christmas decorations, Christmas flavored Starbucks drinks, Christmas music, Christmas music...I think you get the picture.
This year...I haven't been feeling it. I don't know why. Maybe because the world is supposed to end before Christmas? Stupid Mayans...what did they know. (Well, they were the smartest people that have ever lived) but I think we are all up in the air on that one. Maybe because I am from Pittsburgh and it has been in the upper 60's the last like 2 weeks in Birmingham? Perhaps it is because we did most of our Christmas shopping on Amazon this year to save money. I don't know. What I do know is that my 7 year old nephew asked me to come to his Christmas program at school tonight, and just maybe my heart will grow 3 sizes if I attend!
Now on to the link up...
What's your favorite holiday movie?
Do I have to pick one? Gosh I love them all!!! I would have to say that my favorite holiday movie would be the Grinch. There is just something about watching someone transform like that, and the determination of little Cindy Lou Who that makes your heart smile!
Do you have any special traditions?
When I was younger, my family would put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night every year. This is my first year being married, so I think Chris and I need to come up with our own tradition to carry on.
What's your favorite ornament or decoration?
I love love love all the ornaments on my Christmas tree. I probably bore Chris to death when decorating because I have stories for a lot of them. If I have to choose one, it is the Carebear ornament that my mom hand painted for me when I was very young. I LOVED the Carebears when I was little. I carried around Love A Lot EVERYWHERE when I was younger, and I slept with her in my bed until I got my dog Gracie who slept in my bed with me and tried to eat her once. I knew she had to be retired. (Confession, I didn't get Gracie until 2005 so if you do the math...Yeah, I know...go ahead and judge.)
Best gift you've ever received?
I think I was most excited my senior year of high school when my parents got me one of those old school huge ass Nokia phones for Christmas. It was my first ever cell phone, and at the time you were the shit if you had one of those. Most recently, Chris bought me TWO Coach purses for Christmas...and that was pretty awesome also!!!!
Worst gift you've ever received?
One of those stupid calendars that you tear the page off each day. It would have been alright if it actually had funny or knowledgeable information on it, but it was dumb things people said. Which makes for a dumb calendar. I think it lasted on my desk until about January 12th and I threw it out! It was a Dirty Santa gift so I didn't feel so bad. But seriously people, even though it is Dirty something half way decent!!! Sheesh!
Favorite winter accessory?
I love having the cold weather to wear winter accessories. Something I haven't really been able to do! For years I have wanted a North Face jacket and this year I finally got one...and I haven't been able to wear it! Hopefully the weatherman is right and the temp is supposed to drop to freezing tonight. I love scarves too :)
Real tree or fake?
Fake. I have never had a real tree, I hate the needles and I have allergies. My fake tree last year after year and environmentally friendly. Our tree is pre-lit and it rotates, can't beat it! Also, I am pretty sure if we had a real tree, my boy Mac would be peeing on it every chance he got. Dogs do what dogs do.
When and how did you find out that Santa was not real?
He's not real???? What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I found out when I was around 4th or 5th grade from one of my loser ass friends who thought they should ruin everyone's Christmas that still believed because they were jealous of all the happy and cheer.
Can't wait to read all of your answers, go link up! Happy Thursday, one more day until most of us have a 4 day weekend full of eating shit that we are going to have to work off come January 1!!!!
Thanks so much for linking up!
ReplyDeletethis is so cute! I am a real tree person but now I am leaning towrds fake after this year!