Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blogger Love

I am really enjoying this link up! There are so many wonderful topics to write about and it is very inspiring! Today is day 5 and the topic is about my love for blogger friends! 

I am so thankful for the blogging community in general. There are so many women inspiring and encouraging others that they do not even know in real life! I have some blogger friends that are now in real life friends, and other blogger friends that I would love to meet in person one day! 

First up, my Alabama group! We have had a few blates, and are in the process of trying to get another one on the books. These girls are absolutely amazing! 

There are some bloggers that I would love to meet some day! 

Joanna and I text and tweet each other often and I am so jealous that she is living it up in CA! I am going to have to come crash her pool party once it is built!

There are some Bama bloggers that I haven't had a chance to meet yet, maybe we can get them to come to our next blate! Meighan at Heavens to Meighan cracks me up and is one of them!
Heavens to Meighan

Robin @ At Four O'Clock always has something interesting to say and makes good points all the time!

These are just a few of the ladies that I follow that I would love to meet, there are tons more! 


  1. Thank you so much for the shout-out, I am touched. :)

  2. I'm so grateful for our blogging community! Makes us all so thankful for sweet sisters and friends who can uplift us everyday!

  3. I still haven't written this post - I'm really not sure how I'm going to do it! Off to have a peek at your recommended blogs xoxoxo


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